NutriHold Increases Soil Cation Exchange Capacity

Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) is an estimate of soil's potential to hold certain nutrients for plant uptake

NutriHold Dry demonstrates a direct positive impact on soil CEC

In this trial, NutriHold Dry was shown to increase the cation exchange capacity of agricultural soil. The graph below recapping the trial results shows that CEC increased as the application rate increased.

NuriHold Dry is composed of the base material that is used to produce all OPC products. It is a humic peat material rich in bioavailable carbon, organic matter, beneficial microorganisms, and organic acids. To produce our liquid NutriHold products, a proprietary filtration and extraction process is utilized to concentrate these components in a liquid form.

Relationship between NutriHold Dry and Soil Cation Exchange Capacity

Agriculture, Horticulture & Turf Products

Odor Control & Waste Management Products

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