Odor Treatment at a Solid Waste Collection Site

A waste collection site operator effectively mitigated odors using BioCarbon-9840

Odor Control – Solid Waste Collection Site Application


A Waste Management Solid Waste Transfer Station was receiving numerous complaints from residents living around their facility. The transfer station is located in the center of a residential area and in an effort to mend the company’s relationship with the community the plant manager was seeking a solution to the odor problems. The odors were being created by several different sources. Many of the dumpsters used in the transfer of waste from the collection sites to the transfer station were notorious for emitting offensive odors. The transfer station physical plant was also responsible for odor problems. As the waste was dumped into the transfer station bays for separation and reloading, odors were being generated by runoff from the piles. This runoff was also causing a serious concrete corrosion problem resulting from leaching hydrogen sulfide. The plant manager estimated that 50% of the transfer stations concrete floor had been eroded away over the past 8 years. Finally, the retention pond located behind the transfer station was also a major contributor to the odor problems at the transfer station.


Tests were conducted by using the BioCarbon-9840 in the normal wash down cycle of the dumpsters and plant physical facility. The product was applied through the chemical intake line of a pressure wash system at a rate of 6 ounces per gallon of water. The treatment resulted in an immediately improvement in the reduction of offensive odors. The product was most notably effective when it was used to rinse a dumpster that was used for waste collection at a seafood restaurant. This particular collection site was notorious for producing extremely offensive odors in the collection dumpster. After the rinse down was completed the plant employees were amazed at the dramatic reduction in the odors. The results from the wash down of the physical plant facility were good, but less impressive than the dumpster’s tests. While the treatment did improve the air quality in the facility, the presence of waste transfer trailers loaded with fermenting waste distorted the test results. The retention pond was shocked with a 100-PPM treatment of BioCarbon-9840. An immediate reduction in the hydrogen sulfide levels were observed. 24-hours after the shock treatment, odors from the retention pond were reduced to levels that could only be detected in the immediate area surrounding the pond. A daily maintenance program was recommended with a metering rate of 10 PPM to continue control of the odors.


The treatment of the collection dumpsters and retention pond resulted in outstanding reductions in odors. The application of the product in dumpster applications required no additional clean-up steps as the product was introduced through the use of the chemical uptake line on the existing pressure washing system. The initial treatment of the retention pond required a system shock, but the daily maintenance would require no additional personnel involvement as a metering pump was utilized to inject the product into the pond.

Agriculture, Horticulture & Turf Products

Odor Control & Waste Management Products

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