NutriHold Reduces Nutrient Loss From Soil

Nitrogen, one of the most important nutrients for plant growth, can be lost from soil due to rain or irrigation events. Lab tests demonstrate that NutriHold helps reduce these nitrogen losses

NutriHold reduces levels of nitrogen in soil leachate samples, demonstrating that it helps retain soilborne nitrogen and thus can potentially improve farmers' fertilizer use efficiency to save them money

In this trial, NutriHold was applied to containers of sandy soil along with standard liquid fertilizer doses. A control treatment that received the same amount of fertilizer but did not receive NutriHold was tested as well. After a waiting period of 24 hours, one liter of filtered water was poured into each container and the runoff water (leachate) from each container was collected and sent to a lab for chemical analysis.

As shown in the trial result graph below, the treatments that received NutriHold lost significantly less nitrogen (ammonia and nitrate forms which are available to plants) than the untreated control that received only fertilizer. This suggests that NutriHold helps improve the nutrient retention abilities of soil and can serve as a tool to help farmers save on fertilizer costs by slowing the release profile of their nutrients after application. Some hypothesized explanations for this process include improvement in the soil cation exchange capacity, increased soilborne populations of beneficial microbes which help cycle and retain nutrients, and the addition of humic and fulvic acid which are known to bind and chelate nutrients to facilitate their uptake by plants.

The full report for this lab test can be found here*.

*(Sample #1 and #2 received NutriHold while #3 was the untreated control sample)

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